Poster presentation @ Makromolekulares Kolloquium 2020 in Freiburg

February 26.-28., 2020, Michael presented some selected results at the Makromolekulares Kolloquium in Freiburg in a pitch and poster presentation. We were very happy to have this great opportunity and to discuss our research with the experts in Macromolecular Chemistry. Michael did a great job & it was perfect to meet all of you there.

Elli and Markus were joining the Makro Kolloq for the first time, and we met some old and new friends and research colleagues . We had numberous inspiring discussions, spent a very nice time and enjoyed some evening entertainment in El.Pi with the team of Frank Katzenberg and Jörg Tiller from TU Dortmund. Hope to meet you soon again!


From left to Right: Michael Luksin, Frank Katzenberg, Dominik Segiet, and Markus Wiesemann.

