Dr. rer. nat. Fabian Watt

Fabian worked with us, from June 2022 until December 2024: First as teaching associate and later as research scientist in the the AiF/IGF project Innovative Flammschutzlösungen auf Basis polymerer Hybridnanopartikel für transparente thermoplastische Kunststoffanwendungen (HybriNanoFlam)”. He is now at U. Windmöller Innovation GmbH & Co. KG, Detmold.



Dr. rer. nat. Natalia Tiessen

Natalia stayed with us from November 2022 until May 2023 , and worked as a research scientist in the AiF/IGF project Innovative Flammschutzlösungen auf Basis polymerer Hybridnanopartikel für transparente thermoplastische Kunststoffanwendungen (HybriNanoFlam)”. She is now working at Infineon Technologies AG, Warstein, Germany.



Dr. rer. nat. Markus Wieseman

Markus worked in our team as a a Junior Professor for Chemistry and Materials Science from Feb. 2020 until Jan. 2023. He is now working as Specialist Analytical Chemistry at Infineon Technologies AG, Warstein, Germany.

More about Markus Wiesemann



Dr. rer. nat. Tarik Rust

Tarik was part of our team and worked as a research scientist in the BioFlaP-AS project from Nov. 2021 – Dec. 2022. He is now at ERATEX Gustav Ernstmeier GmbH & Co. KG in Herford.



Dr. rer. nat. Robin F. Weitkamp

Robin stayed with us as a research scientist from July 2021 – October 2022. He is now working at Phoenix Contact E-Mobility GmbH, Schieder-Schwalenberg.



Dr. Matthias Pieper

Mattias was working in our labs as a scientific & teaching Associate from March 2020 until March 2022.



M. Sc. Florian Bärmann

Florian was working with us from June 2016 until December 2019.



M. Sc. Eleonora Buchholz

Eleonora was working with us from April 2019 – September 2020.



M. Sc. Marc Abbenhaus

Marc was working in our labs from May 2019 until January 2020. 



Dr. rer. nat. Tobias von Zons

Dr. rer. nat. Tobias von Zons

Tobias stayed with us as a research scientist from July 2018 – October 2019. His research focused on Organic and Macromolecular Synthesis, Phosphorous Co-polymers, and Recipe Development in HIPS. 

More about Tobias von Zons



B. Sc. Melanie Keil, Scientific Associate

B. Sc. Melanie Keil

Melanie stayed with us from March 2018 – February 2019 as a teaching associate. She is now working at CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH, Lippstadt, Germany.



M. Sc. Annika Röwekamp, Scientific Associate

M. Sc. Annika Röwekamp

Annika worked with us March 2018 – December 2018 as a teaching associate, now at CaPlast Kunststoffverarbeitungs GmbH, Nordkirchen, Germany.